Welcome you visit us at Coverings Booth 766 Hall BSo happy for us Xiamen Hibo Stone restart the worldwide Stone Exhibition after the epidemic. Hope to see you at Atlanta Coverings 2024 between 04/22 and 04/25, our booth No. is 766 Hall B. Wuddy and Jessie at the Coverings site appreciate your stop
Welcome to see us at Hall B 766, we are ready at Atlanta Coverings.
2024 XIAMEN STONE FAIR SAY HI TO YOU FROM 16TH MARCH TO 19TH MARCH. Xiamen Hibo Stone own advantage in Calacatta, Carrara, Calacatta Viola, Dolomite, Oriental White, Bardiglio, Rosa Portugal, Matiaca Green, Blue celeste, Azul Macauba, Thassos, Cinderella, Nero Marquina, White wooden and so on.
All the 2020 Worldwide StoneFair